Deep Attention and Sleep is a bay conceived for deep attention.
It’s an intimate and embracing time-space to cultivate your own interests.
A transition object, a Middle-earth space, to immerse yourself in a movie or a book.
Whenever you need, the bottom of the space opens up, and, once set down to the floor, becomes a convenient mattress to lie and rest while dreams merge with reality. A mantle of comfort for a deep sleep.

After graduating in industrial design at the Ateliers – ENSCI in 1990, Matali Crasset begun her career in Italy with Denis Santachiara and in France with Philippe Starck. In 2000, she started her own business in Belleville, Paris: Matali Crasset Productions.
Always looking for new territories to explore, Matali collaborates with different and eclectic realities.
Her areas of intervention vary from product design to electronic music, with the realization of furniture, architecture and graphics, locally and internationally.
Her main inspiration comes from the concept of shared and everyday lifestyle.
Rizzoli has just published a biography dedicated to her work.
Campeggi's products by Matali Crasset